Saturday, July 21, 2007


I think I've decided to start writing more often. I enjoy it and it lets me spill some gray matter onto my screen -- for all to see no less. I'm pretty sure it's therapeutic. Most guys won't admit problems with depression or would acknowledge being in a rut or having a case of the doldrums. I mean who wants to search for a shrink if you're not convinced you need one. There is a creative streak in me that I think needs an outlet, and I think blogging may help fill a void. I think it can help ail me during times when I feel down or at least unmotivated.

I struggle not with what to write, but with what not to write. I'm pretty much sure I won't suffer from "writer's block." It can be fairly easy (at least for me) to just blurt out what you're thinking or feeling at any one time. I just want to choose the right venue. I mean, there are so many things I would want to write about, and the difficult decision is whether I do it all in one blog site -- a personal one where I can write about anything I want; or, should I have tailored ones that address certain subjects. For instance, I'm pretty sure I would get a lot of mileage out of a political and philosophical blog site like the one you're on now -- Culture War. But how credible would that be if I started to share personal reflections on things that had nothing to do with the Culture War? I don't think it would be fair to readers who could care less about the personal trials and tribulations of one man's journeys. They may want to get away from things that remind them of their own sorrows or ups and downs in life by reading some good ole' angry content related to our unique American Culture War (actually I'm a pretty positive, forward looking person, so hopefully there won't be much anger).

I've thought about doing something to help me be more motivated to lose weight. I thought about having a blog site dedicated solely to that challenge. I would want to document my day to day struggle with losing weight and have a site folks could go to "relate" with their own personal challenges. A site where I could have a little give and take. I empathize with their struggles and they with mine, and we have this happy little circle of continuous affirmations and admonitions till we finally arrive "home" to that perfect place we want to be in.

So, is it better to have one "catch all" blog site, or a number of different ones? And, maybe I don't want friends, family, and readers from one blog to know me or follow me to the other ones. What then? I have a feeling there is going to be something strangely comforting, and soothing by intimating personal reflections anonymously.

Anyway, I've got to bolt. It's off to the movies, or whatever. If you have any opinion or advice on what you've read about, please reply and let me know.

Shalom as Debbie would say.

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